2024 Season Wrap Up and Champs results

    Hi Barracudas,

    Thank you for a GREAT swim season! 

    Our swimmers did an amazing job at Championships yesterday in the extreme heat (meet results attached) and what a fun banquet last night! Thanks to all that came out to celebrate our season. We appreciate everyone's patience when we ran out of food so early in the festivities, that was most definitely not anticipated, and we sincerely apologize for that. We hope you jumped back in the food line when we got more and filled your plates!  

    A HUGE thank you to the slideshow crew. The slideshow is a big job and this year we had a wonderful team of helpers including those of you who stepped in at the banquet to help set up the screen etc. in the wind! The slideshow is posted here for you to view!

    For those of you who weren't able to attend the banquet and would like to pick up your award and swimmer gift, these will be on Danielle Blakely's front porch (7504 S Trenton Ct) for the upcoming week. She will have the ribbon box there, too. These will be out starting at 5pm today. 

    Fun update! Urban Air donated one free jump day pass for each Barracuda swimmer. We will put these out front at Danielle Blakely's house (7504 S Trenton Ct) for you to pickup. Please use the honor system and just take one for each registered swimmer. These will be out starting at 5pm today.

    As we wind down the season, we hope you strongly consider how to get involved next year. We need all families to volunteer in some capacity to make this team run! Last night Jamie stressed our significant need for stroke and turn judges (we truly cannot run a meet without these and it really is only one training!), but we also have other leadership jobs that will be vacant due to aging out swimmers, etc. We really need you next year! Feel free to email me, ask questions, and see what job might be a good fit. Let's keep the Barracuda community strong! 
    Thank you all, 
    2024 Parent Reps- Erin, Jamie, Danielle
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